
Happy photos!

In my whole life i never been photogenic but I love photographics. The photographics are amazing, record unique moments that we can save forever. As I mentioned before I'm not photogenic, for this reason the pictures that I have I really appreciate and occasionally I go to the "Kodak" to print some pictures and then I put on the wall of my room. The piciture that you can see was taken on October, 2018 in "Universidad de Concepción". I was in fourth grade and we go to this place to take picture of our graduation chart, after than take the most important picture we take us picture in the grass. This picture was taken by my friend Daniel, he always had good disposition. They was my best friends in high school and I really miss them, since I went to Santiago I rarely see them and now I can't see them either because the pandemic. This picture makes me remember that I was so happy in high school and I hope never forget it.

Hello again!

Today I'm will gonna talk about my favorite piece of technology! It's very interesting because the technology is very important in our lifes, everything is technology and sometimes we can't live without it. Well, the technology isn't my friend, however is very useful. In that case, my favorite piece of technology is the smartphone. An a great invention of modern technology because allowed us to communicate in different ways through social media like whatsapp, instagram or twitter. I remember my first cellphone. It just allowed can call and play the "litlle snake", I had a nokia, the most resitant cellphone on the world but it was good but doesn't compare to my new cellphone.  A lot of people depends on their smartphone, I hope I don't become one of them. For this reason I  just use my smartphone a few hours every day. I really try not to make that indispensable, I can live without a smartphone. The technology is amazing but sometimes get away

My first publication!

My autobiography Hi everyone! I’m so excited to tell you about me. I was born in Concepción in June second of 1999 and I grew up in Talcahuano, a neighboring town. I am the second daughter in my family, my sister had six years old when i was borned. I studied at La Dama Blanca and Colegio Adventista, in the second school I spent the best years of my life. I always wanted to study in another region so I did it and now I’m studying at Universidad de Chile. So I live in Santiago and while the holidays I go to Talcahuano, Concepción. Mi family grew and now we are five since in 2007 when my little brother was born. We are mom and dad, my older sister, my little brother and I. Well, we are really six because my older sister had a son in 2013. Currently, we are living together due to contingence. I really like to sing and make up, when I was fifhteen years I was in a choir, we participated in many performances, once we traveled to Santiago for a performance. Now I don’t practice but